Reservations Services
Reservations Services Menu Overview
Reservation Service Menu option encompass a range of menu choices designed to assist passengers in taking various actions, such as those listed below. This article illustrates and elaborates on the functionality of each menu option.
Reservation Overview
Brings the user back to the main reservation cart while they are in another section of the reservation.
Package Search
Directs the user to the package search screen for adding a package to an existing reservation.
Vacation Builder
Directs the user to the Vacation Builder screen to add services from List Products.
Miscellaneous Items
Directs the user to a list of fees that can be applied to the cart, including generic miscellaneous items such as amendment fees and paper documentation fees.
Please review related article on how to set this menu option: How to Create a "List" Fees Product for Miscellaneous Items menu option in Reservations - Knowledge Base - Confluence (
Native GDS
Must have GDS Connectivity to use this option.
Import PNR
Must have GDS Connectivity to use this option.
Add Manual Item
The manual item feature allows you to create any type of line item to be entered into the cart. Simply fill in the Supplier ID and Service description, and other details such as quantity, cost, and price can be updated to reflect in the cart.
Add Manual Air Item
The manual AIR item feature allows you to create any type of line item to be entered into the cart. Simply fill in the Supplier ID and Service description, and other details such as flight legs, quantity, cost, and price can be updated to reflect in the cart.
Add Travel Agent Booking Fee
Directs the user to enter a travel agent fee as a line item.
Edit Multiple Service
Directs the user to edit multiple services within the reservation.
Transfer Details
Directs the user to enter or modify transfer details as long as there is a transfer service included in the reservation.
Copy Res
This feature provides the ability to duplicate an existing reservation as new. You can choose to retain the original guest names or replace them with new passengers. The process concludes with the payment procedure.
Empty Res
Initiates a new reservation process with an empty cart. Users have the ability to add services through the "Services Menu."