Returns information about the user whose session is passed in. Includes user type, user permissions etc.
SessID=[User's session ID]
User info JSON object:
{ "response": { "statuscode": 200, "iserror": false, "errormessage": "", "debug": "", "errors": [ ], "warnings": [ ], "stacktrace": "", "processingtime": "0.016", "sessionid": "B:E1C3F0F0-ADA8-4AC1-BDB1-4D9394247CE3", "userid": "vjosset", "username": "Vincent Josset", "email": "vjosset@softrip.com", "lastname": "", "firstname": "", "contactid": -1, "usertype": "U", "customerid": "", "customername": "", "address": { "address1": "123 FAKE ST", "address2": "", "city": "SPRINGFIELD", "state": "KY", "zip": "12345", "country": "USA" } } }
sessionid (string) - The unique session whose user info you requested
userid (string) - The session user's unique ID in the system
username (string) - The session user's name
email (string) - The session user's email address
lastname (string) - The session user's last name
firstname (string) - The session user's first name
contactid (int) - The session user's contact ID (if set). See above for more information on Contacts.
usertype (string) - The session user's type. Valid types are:
U - Internal User - A user who works for the provider (call center agent, internal product team member, etc.)
D - Direct Consumer - A direct consumer
A - Travel Agent - A third-party travel agent
W - Web User - An unauthenticated user. Until the user logs in, they will be treated as a web user.
customerid (string) - In the case of travel agents, the travel agency's IATA number. See above for more information on Customers.
customername (string) - In the case of travel agents, the travel agency's name. See above for more information on Customers.
address (address object) - The user's address
address1 (string) - The first line of the user's address
addresss (string) - The second line of the user's address
city (string) - The user's address' city
state (string) - The user's address' state
zip (string) - The user's address' zip
country (string) - The user's address' country