How to Create Inventory Management Item for a tour
The product Header Tour ID has a value in it. Tour ID: Key identifier for the Tour Series. This unique ID must be set in the product header for the Product(s) to appear in the Tour Series screen. To learn more about creating Tour ID's please review the following article.
Dates & Prices Records are created
To start the process of creating inventory management records, take the following steps
From the main navigation Product --> Product/Tours --> Products
Search for the product you wish to add Departure Dates & Prices for right click and click on Manage Product
On the left navigation, click on Operations --> Add/Update Inv. Management which will open a new tab to take the next steps
This screen displays the records with the following logic
Text in Black: Inventory Record exists.
Text in Red: Inventory Record does NOT exist and must be created.
The Records will be created filling in the following information. To learn more about inventory values, please review this article:
Contracted: Not required. Placeholder record to indicate the originally contracted value.
Allotted: Required. The number of passengers you wish to allow on the departure
Sold: Not required and can not be updated. This number will be reflected based on the number of passengers already sold from the inventory.
Available: Allotted minus Sold = Available
State: The state is the display of availability of the service. The following values can be entered:
Closed Out.
Services are closed out and cannot be sold.
No Arrivals.
Bookings are not permitted on the date entered.
This state can be used if there are no arrivals allowed during a specific time frame due to festivals or holidays.
Black Out.
Services are blacked out and cannot be sold.
This state is mainly used if there are dates that are blacked out during a specific travel time frame.
Example: During the holiday season at a given destination, the departure is not available from December 20th-December 27th.
On Request.
Services are on request at all times, regardless if inventory is available.
Services are available to sell if inventory is available.
Release Days The release days is the number of days prior to departure that the state of the service should be changed.
Release State
The release state is the change of the inventory state based on the number of days prior to departure as set by the release days.
The value entered under the release days for the inventory records 3. The value under the release state is R.
This reads as the following: 3 days prior to the Inventory date, the state of the inventory record will change from A (available) to R (on request). If either an internal or external users attempts to this departure 3 days or less prior to the departure date, the inventory management will automatically display as "on request."
Once you fill in the required information, click on Save to finalize the process.