Versions Compared


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Table of Contents






  • Resolved issue with Other Payables screen not using correct exchange rates based on the Journal setup

  • Updated Other Payables screen to not allow for posting to an inactive account

  • Fixed issue in Receipts Entry that allows for the Received From dropdown to stay enabled when entering multiple receipts at one time



  • Fixed issue with pre and post products not returning all Product Codes as expected to select from

  • Resolved issue of a 500 error displaying if duration was set to 0



  • Updated history screen when searching by tour code to be more efficient and avoid timeout errors



  • Resolved issue with mass update of Product Detail information only updating the 1st selected record. This will now correctly update all selected records

  • Fixed issue with saving of the air contract screen causing a duplicate key error

  • Updated menu options for a Group with multiple TourID’s to be the normal Group Management menu options



  • Fixed issue with phone field displaying multiple times on the passenger page in certain cases - Next Only

  • Fixed product landing page to not display a Hotel multiple times in the Featured Accommodations section - Next Only

  • Updated cancellation fee when cancelling a reservation to calculate correctly - Next Only

  • Resolved issue with rebooking of an FIT reservation to a new departure date to correctly move all services to the new date - Next Only