First and last names are kept intact and appended with
:John Smith
becomesJohn_GDPR Smith_GDPR
Email address is made unreachable:
Password is cleared/set to empty
Address is cleared/set to empty
Phone, MobilePhone, and Fax are cleared/set to empty
Passport fields (PassportAuthority, PassportExpiration, PassportIssueDate, and PassportNumber) are set to
Age is set to
(zero)BirthDate is set to
ContactName is appended with
Jane Doe
becomesJane Doe_GDPR
LeadName (if this contact is the lead passenger) is appended with
Jane Doe
becomesJane Doe_GDPR
Address fields (Address1, Address2, City, State, PostalCode, Country) are cleared/set to empty
Phone fields (Phone, MobilePhone, Fax) are cleared/set to empty
Email field is cleared/set to empty