Example URL: https://www.mysite.com/product/PROD1?custom=AFF&customCode=12345678
Why it’s important:
Some group leaders or travel agents would like to sell the operator’s trip and/or group but still keep their own logo associated with the booking process. This gives more confidence to the passengers that they are booking a trip through the agent/agency. This also allows for any questions to be directed to the agency phone number so that it can take the burden off of the tour operator to determine if the question is really for the travel agent.
Who it affects:
Any operators on Res Next where the travel agents or group leaders would like to have their passengers sign up directly
Landing Page Accommodations Updates
Resolved issue with Other Payables screen not using correct exchange rates based on the Journal setup
Updated Other Payables screen to not allow for posting to an inactive account
Fixed issue in Receipts Entry that allows for the Received From dropdown to stay enabled when entering multiple receipts at one time
Fixed issue with Credit Card Processing screen not updating the Processed Status field when a failed payment attempt was made
Updated Credit Card Processing screen to select the checkboxes when using multi-select on the grid, keeping it consistent with other screens in the system
Updated menus on the Checks Register screen to line up better, making it easier to select the sub-menu items
Disabled sorting in the Pay Suppliers screen as it was causing issues with the To Pay amounts being recorded incorrectly
Updated Pay Suppliers to not change the Due Date when entering multiple invoices in a row
Resolved issue of Product Event reminders not showing for custom products
Fixed issue with pre and post products not returning all Product Codes as expected to select from
Resolved issue of a 500 error displaying if duration was set to 0 on a new group
Updated history screen when searching by tour code to be more efficient and to avoid timeout errors
Resolved issue with mass update of Product Detail information only updating the 1st selected record. This will now correctly update all selected records
Fixed issue with saving of the air contract screen causing a duplicate key error
Updated menu options for a Group with multiple TourID’s to be the normal Group Management menu options
Fixed supplier promotions screen to save and update the Blackout Date conditions correctly
Updated supplier promotions screen to validate the required fields to reduce the number of bad records in the system. Required fields are Supplier ID, Service ID, Promo ID, Cost Code, Promo Type
Fixed mass update in the Project Inventory screen to save all of the entered data correctly
Updated Product Upgrades screen to use the correct security checkpoints
Fixed Supplier Rates screen to display Desigs of the service when creating a new rate period
Updated Next version of Invoice to correctly show taxes in the Reservation Breakdown
Next version of the Group Quote Letter will now use default rules rather than forcing the user to create a custom rule for every group
Updated Next version of travel documents to format voucher notes based on line breaks OR HTML formatted text
Reservations Next
Fixed issue with phone field displaying multiple times on the passenger page in certain cases - Next Only
Fixed product landing page to not display a Hotel multiple times in the Featured Accommodations section - Next Only
Updated cancellation fee when cancelling a reservation to calculate correctly - Next Only
Resolved issue with rebooking of an FIT reservation to a new departure date to correctly move all services to the new date - Next Only
Updated the re-shop process when a triple is not available to correctly re-shop the room as a double and single
Fixed marketing promotion travel credits to not double book when being selected during the booking process
Updated dynamic package to filter supplier promotions on the Customer Affiliation tag
Updated package shop results to not show the POPUP amenity information by default allowing for the screen to be shorter
Disabled the ability to edit a User ID within the Users screen. This is not allowed as it will cause many reporting and other issues in the system