Creates a brochure request for a given Contact/Customer using ContactID passed in



  • BrochureID (string) - List of brochures being requested, separated by "/" (ex. BROCHURE1/BROCHURE2/BROCHURE3)

  • BrochureNum (string) - List of number of each brochures being requested, separated by "/" - MUST match the same number of "/" as the BrochureID (ex: 1/1/2)

  • txtcontactid (string) - The Contact ID of the contact that is requesting the brochure

  • txtcustomerid (string) - The Customer ID/IATA of the customer/agency that is requesting the brochure (if applicable)

  • txtaddressid (string) - The address ID of the address for the brochure - If left blank or "0", will use the Address of the Contact passed in

  • sourcetype (string) - The source type of the brochure request (CON for Contact or CUS for Customer/Agency requesting it)

  • txtwhostamp (string) - The ID of the user requesting the brochure