Support Policy

Support Policy

Last Updated: August 3, 2023

This Softrip Support Policy (“Support Policy”) is subject to the agreement between you (“Customer”) and Softrip LLC (“Softrip”) under which Softrip provides the Platform and related Technical Services that references this Support Policy (“Agreement”). This Support Policy describes the support offering provided by Softrip’s technical support team (“Support Services”) in connection with support requests related to bugs, defects, or errors in the Platform causing it not to perform in material conformance with the Documentation (“Defects).

This Support Policy may be updated by Softrip from time to time (notice may be provided through the Platform, via email, or by posting an updated version of this Support Policy). Capitalized terms not defined in this Support Policy shall have the meaning given to them in the Agreement.

Support Services are subject to payment of applicable subscription fees or separate support fees agreed to between the parties (e.g. for enhanced support or customization support). Softrip may, without liability to Customer, suspend the provision of Support Services if Customer is not current in the payment of undisputed subscription and/or supplemental support Fees owed pursuant to the Agreement.

  1. Contacting Support

“Support Contacts” are Users the Customer identifies as primary liaisons between the Customer and Softrip for Support Services. Customer can identify between one (1) and three (3) Support Contacts. Customer may be charged an additional fee for designating more than three (3) Support Contacts at a time. Customer will notify Softrip whenever Support Contact responsibilities are transferred to another individual.  These individuals will be provided with usernames and passwords to access the Softrip Customer Portal.

Customer’s Support Contacts will be responsible for:

  • Overseeing Customer’s Defect and Support Services tickets and activities to facilitate resolution or communication with Softrip

  • Developing and troubleshooting processes within the Customer’s organization to vet Support Service requests prior to submitting to Softrip to determine whether an issue may be resolved internally within Customer without assistance from Softrip.

  • Ensuring Customer’s Users are properly trained to use the Platform leveraging the train-the-trainer approach shared during initial onboarding.

  • Liaising with Customer’s internal technical staff to assist with non-Platform issues such as network issues or other internal technical issues within Customer’s infrastructure or devices that may be required for Defect identification and resolution.

Support Contacts are required to be knowledgeable about the Softrip platform and its Customer’s specific usage.

  1. Hours of Normal Business Operation

Support Services personnel are available Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST, excluding US legal holidays.  Support Services are provided in the English language only.

  1. Emergencies

For Level 1 or Level 2 Defects (defined below), please “Report a Defect” using the Softrip Customer Portal and set the appropriate impact level. Our team will be notified immediately.

If Level 1 or Level 2 Defects are reported outside of normal business hours, the appropriate on-call Softrip Team member will be notified of Customer’s emergency via Softrip’s after-hours notification system.

  1. The Softrip Customer Portal – Submitting a Defect, Feature Request, or Support Question

Customer’s Support Contacts may submit Support Services requests involving Defects, Feature Requests, or Support Questions using the Softrip Customer Portal. Once logged in with credentials, the Support Contact will select the type of request to submit. Each submission will receive a unique case number. Customer will receive email communications with updates as the case progresses or is marked closed.

  1. Submitting a Defect Request

Requests for Support Services involving Defects may be submitted in the Softrip Customer Portal by selecting “Report a Defect.”

If Customer is experiencing a Defect, Softrip recommends the following prior to submitting a Support Services request:

  • Verify that the problem is related to the Platform. The problem may be with Customer’s network, power, third-party software, or interfaces, in which case the appropriate vendor will need to be contacted.

  • Attempt to reproduce the issue. Reproducing the Defect prior to logging a Support Service request greatly increases the speed and efficiency with which Softrip can begin to address the Defect.

If the Defect is reproducible, the Support Contact should provide all known relevant details, including the following:

  • A description of the issue and all work completed prior to submitting the request

  • Affected version and component, if known

  • Customer’s deemed Impact Level (defined below)

  • Steps taken by Customer to reproduce, including the actual and expected result

  • Relevant screenshots or video recordings

  • Ensure only 1 Defect is reported per submission

Reported Defects will be classified as follows with the associated target response times. Level 1 and Level 2 Defects are reserved for production environments.

Impact Level


Target Response Time

Level 1 (Emergency)

Catastrophic failure that has rendered the entire Platform unusable or inaccessible. The Platform servers and system are completely down.

Within 30 minutes, 24×7

Level 2


Total disruption or failure of critical Platform functionality, performance, or business operations. Examples include inability to make a reservation, a security breach has occurred, or a system issue causing major impact to Customer’s core processes requiring immediate attention.

Within 4 hours, 24×7

Level 3

Platform functionality or performance that causes the system to produce incorrect, incomplete, or inconsistent results.

Within 1 business day

Level 4

Minor loss of application functionality, performance, or usability. Impact is an inconvenience.

Within 2 business days

Level 5

No impact on system functionality. Cosmetic issue.


Softrip will work promptly based on the applicable severity classification above to attempt to fix Defects in the Platform.

Where Softrip can reproduce the Defect, Softrip will use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly correct the Defect or provide a workaround to permit Customer to use the Platform in conformance with the applicable Documentation. A bug fix or workaround may be provided in the form of a temporary fix, procedure, or routine. Softrip does not guarantee that all Defects can or will be corrected, or that corrections will be provided within any requested times.

  1. Submitting a Feature Request

Requests for new or improved modules or features within the Platform (“Feature Requests”) may be submitted in the Softrip Customer Portal by selecting “request a new feature.” These requests will be evaluated by Softrip’s product team according to its work intake process. Feature Requests may be considered “Billable” or Nonbillable”.

  • Billable Feature Requests - Clients will be sent an initial “Scoping” to approve followed by a “Programming Request” with the plan cost for the feature.

  • Terms and Conditions for Program Request Invoices:

    • Upon signature by you and submission to Softrip this Programing Request shall become binding.

    • Upon signature you agree to assign a qualified employee to test the functionality developed, and as defined, in this Programming Request.

    • Softrip will notify you upon completion and delivery of the defined functionality. Upon receipt of notification you will have seven (7) business days to complete testing and to provide test results to Softrip.

    • If testing is not complete within seven (7) business days of receipt of notification Softrip reserves all rights to finalize and close this Programming Request and to invoice for the full amount.

    • If testing fails and is reported to Softrip in the initial seven (7) business days, Softrip will delay billing until the work has been re-released to test, upon which a new 7-day testing window begins.

    • Additionally, if this Programming Request requires Softrip to transfer data to any third-party identified by you, you and the third-party acknowledge and assume all responsibility and liability associated with the proper security and protection of the transferred data.

  1. Submitting a Support Question

How-to requests, requests to clarify technical documentation, training materials, or obtain answers to other general questions pertaining to the Platform (“Support Questions”) may be submitted in the Softrip Customer Portal by selecting “other questions.” Please note that any matters of urgency should be submitted as a Defect.

  1. Tracking Open Cases

To track open cases, log in to the Softrip Customer Portal.

  • Click on the Requests button on the top right corner of the screen.

  • Select “All” to see total Customer requests

  • Statuses on a Softrip cases, with definitions, are available here: Status Definitions

  1. Supported Versions; Version Migration.

Support Services includes support for the current and previous two (2) versions of the Platform. If Customer is using a Customer-Hosted version of the Platform and does not timely upgrade to a supported Platform version, it may purchase consulting services from Softrip under a Statement of Work. Softrip will have no further obligation to provide any Support Services to Customer until Customer installs a supported version of the Platform.

As of the date of this Support Policy, the current versions of the Platform are delivered under the umbrella designation “Softrip Next,” the next generation code base from Softrip’s prior “Softrip Net” umbrella designation for the Platform. To the extent that Customer’s prior implementations of the Platform on the “Softrip Net” umbrella designation included Customizations that require migration to “Softrip Next” and were not included by Softrip in the generally-available code base for “Softrip Next” (“Unmigrated Customization”), Softrip reserves the right to charge for any such Unmigrated Customization migration effort, which effort will be scoped and agreed via an executed SOW. Absent an executed SOW, Softrip is not required to continue to support or migrate an Unmigrated Customization, and/or may discontinue current efforts for Unmigrated Customizations on notice to Customer, provided that Softrip will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide reasonable advance notice and work with Customer to evaluate the impact of the Unmigrated Customization to Customer’s business with a view to reaching an agreed-to migration path.

To view Softrip’s current target release schedule, please see the Softrip release calendar Softrip Release Calendar.

  1. Support Exclusions

Softrip is not required to provide Support for any Defects that originate or result from:

  • Problems with products, networks, equipment, devices, integrations, APIs, hardware, or software not provided by Softrip as an included component of the Platform, including but not limited to Third-Party Products;

  • Defects, delays, or unavailability of Customer Data, or Third-Party Products, or other information supplied by a User or an End User;

  • Use of the Platform other than as authorized under the Agreement;

  • Customer’s, the User’s or the End User’s delay or failure to provide prompt, timely, no-cost, and technically-required account, system, network, or other access necessary for Softrip to work on or resolve the Defect;

  • General Internet problems, errors in Customer’s computing or other devices used to access or operate the Platform, or other factors outside of Softrip’s reasonable control, including force majeure events;

  • Evaluation, beta, demonstration, or proof-of-concept uses or versions of the Platform.

  • Continued use of an unsupported version of the Platform as described above;

  • Customer’s failure to adhere to any required configurations, supported platforms, policies for acceptable use, or use of the Platform in a manner inconsistent with the features and functionality of the Platform (for example, attempts to perform operations that are not supported) or inconsistent with the Documentation;

  • Faulty input, instructions, or arguments (for example, requests to access files that do not exist);

  • Customer’s or a User’s attempts to perform operations that exceed prescribed quotas;

  • Misconfiguration (knowingly or unknowingly) by Customer or its Users leading to performance degradations or other Defects;

  • Extended functionalities such as custom applications, custom codes/scripts, custom APIs (including customizations developed by Softrip, except as otherwise noted in Section 11 below).

  1. No-Fault Found

If Softrip, in good faith, determines that Customer has submitted one or more requests for Support Services for a purported Defect, and, after Softrip’s expenditure of substantial resources (as reasonably determined by Softrip), Softrip subsequently establishes that no Defect was present within the Platform or the Defect resulted from items excluded from Support Services as noted in Section 10 above (in either case, an “NTF Case”), Softrip reserves the right to charge and recover from Customer any reasonable inspection, investigation, repair, servicing and other costs of a similar nature incurred by Softrip in connection with such NFT Case. Such charges will be documented by Softrip and will not exceed Softrip’s then-current hourly consulting services rates unless an alternate fee arrangement is agreed by Customer and Softrip in writing.

  1. Customization Support

Support Services do not include the development, maintenance, or support of any customizations to the Platform or any Connectors or Third-Party Products (“Customization”) whether made by Softrip, Customer, or third-parties. Support Services also do not include addressing Defects resulting from customizations, enhancements, connectors, extensions, scripts, or any code not authored by Softrip.

Any non-standard development work that Customer may request from Softrip requires the issuance of an SOW for Technical Services with associated development scope, fees, and supplemental support obligations.

Where Softrip, in its discretion, agrees in writing to provide Support Services for a Customization developed by Softrip, this Support Policy will apply, but only as to the specific supported Customization), provided that Softrip may condition the performance of such Support Services on additional terms, fees, or limitations (for example, based on the complexity of the Customization, obsolescence, increased support costs for Softrip, and/or resource availability). Where additional support fees are required for Softrip to provide or continue to provide Customization support, said fees will be mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties for the applicable period of purchased support.

Except where the parties have agreed in writing otherwise, Softrip may discontinue the performance of Support Services for a Customization at any time on at least ninety (90) days prior written notice to Customer.

  1. Additional Training and Consulting Services

Any training services or other consulting services not included as part of Support Services as described in this Support Policy, may be purchased subject to a separate Statement of Work.

To request additional training please submit a request through the portal. For other services, please contact support@softrip.com.

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