Travel Insurance Overview
Softrip allows companies to offer Travel Insurance as part of the booking process. Insurance is created as a Service & Product and the options are offered at the passenger step of the booking process.
Product Setup
Go to Product-->Suppliers and Create a Supplier ID for the Insurance provider.
Also, have a generic Supplier ID to use for declined Insurance. It will be an option but should not be associated with the provider.
Services - Insurance Products can be calculated using several options:
Per Person Price Range - create a Service ID for each range offered by the Suppliers.
Supplier Service
Supplier ID = Provider
Service ID = INS[From-To]. The From-To should represent the dollar amounts when the premium changes. Ex:
INS0-500 - if per-person price is between 0-500
INS500-1000 - if the per-person price is between 500-1000
Designator - Adult or Child or Passenger if it applies to all passengers.
Mask = A or C (only if child rates are different than adults)
Supplier Rates
Cost = Premium Amount - any Commission you would receive on INS Sales.
Price - Premium Amount - this is one of the few cases Softrip recommends to use the Price fields on Supplier Rates. There is no need for a markup to take place usually.
Also, create an INS service for Declined Insurance
Supplier ID = generic
Description = Insurance Declined (or however you'd like it worded).
Create a Supplier Rate record with all 0.00 for cost & price.
Percentage Based Premiums - TBD
Go to Product-->Products and Create a Product Code for INSURANCE as Product Type = LIST
Add the Insurance Services just created to the new Product Code
Ensure that each Service is part of its own plan.
Use the up/down arrows if you want the Declined Insurance to appear before the Insurance Option. Reservations will show the correct insurance service and the declined service as an option for the customer.
Create a Pricing Profile with Markup = 1 because the system requires, even if the price is set in Supplier Rates.
Set the Insurance Product Status = Active
Add the Product to System Settings
Go to Security-->System Settings and select System Rules-->Insurance.
For the Insurance Setting, add the Product Code of the insurance product created. This setting lets the system know which Product Code to use for Insurance. It's often the case when insurance providers are changing that you will create a new Product code for Insurance and change the setting here for the system to use on new reservations.
Insurance Link - this setting allows you to enter a 3rd party URL that will be displayed in Reservations so the Customer to view information about the insurance offering.
Once the Services, Product, and Insurance setting is in place, Insurance options will be returned in Reservations-->Passengers. Once insurance is returned, the options become a required step in the booking process.
This article provides details on how to setup Travel Insurance Product based on Pricing. These instructions are based on
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Build your Travel Insurance Services
Create your Supplier for the Travel Insurance Company
Create your Services for the Travel Insurance
When creating your services, must have Service type = INS. Must follow Service ID format when setting up your Service IDs. To see different type of
Create a Service where Service ID = INSDEC and Service Description = Travel Insurance Declined. Creating this service will give your passengers to opt out of the booking Travel Insurance with your company.
Create Services with Service ID format = INS[From Price]-[To Price]
Example: INS0-500 = If per person price falls between $0-$500, this specific service will be offered. Build multiple of these services falling within the appropriate price ranges.
Tip: Recommend that this is also indicated on the Service Description “Travel Insurance for between $0 - $500” to indicate to passengers which bracket they call under. If you wish to provide a voucher for the Travel Insurance service, change the Voucher Type = Customer and add Voucher notes for instruction details.
Create your Rates for the Travel Insurance
Enter in the Cost of the Travel Insurance and the Price of the Trave Insurance to be able to charge your passengers the correct amount.
Build your List Product
Product Header
Once you complete the building of your services build your List Product. (Product Type = List)
Make the Product Name generic.
Market code = DEFAULT
Departure Dates from to be large date range.
Status = Active
Add Services created to your list product
Click + to add new Service.
Search for Service Type INS to find the Insurance Services Created.
Select and Add the Services you wish to add to the Product.
Select and Confirm the Services you wish to confirm to add to the product.
Click Yes
Click Yes
Click Save All
Can I exclude Certain items to be excluded from the Insurance Premium Calculation process?
Yes, to learn more about this process, please follow this link:
Build your booking Rule
Create a Booking Rule to enable the Insurance Services to be sellable
From the Product Menu go to Booking Rules
Click + to create a new Rule.
Rule Text = INSURANCE (Insurance Product Code)
Rule Type = Display
Description - Insurance Product
Different Type of Travel Insurance based on Different Pricing Structures.
Softrip Supports selling Travel Insurance to meet the customer needs to be based on Percentage, Pricing, Age, or combination of the two.
If your business needs to build these services here is a list of the ServiceID formatting must be followed:
Based on Percentage:
Softrip has the ability to calculate the Travel Insurance based on Percentage of per person pricing.
Service ID Format: INSPCT[Percent]
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Example: INSPCT10 If the Travel Insurance is setup to be based on 10% of the and Cart value is at $5000 in total, Per Person Pricing is $2500, the Insurance pricing will be $250 per person. |
Based on Pricing:
Insurance is calculated based on the which bracket of pricing.
Service ID Format: INS[From Price]-[To Price]
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Example: INS0-1000 where if the per person price falls between $0-$1000 Price of Insurance is $50 per person. INS1001-2000 where if the per person price falls between $1001-$2000 price of insurance will be $60 per person. |
Based on Passenger Age:
Insurance calculated based on the age of the passenger.
Service ID Format: INS:A[FROM AGE]-[TO AGE]
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Example: INS:A20-40 - Passenger is 25 years old where Travel Insurance will be priced at $40 per person INS:A41-50 , Passenger 2 is 45 years old, the Travel Insurance will be for $35. |
Based on Price and Passenger Age:
Insurance calculated based on price per person and age.
Service ID Format: INS:P[From Price]-[To Price]:A[From Age]-[To Age]
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Example: INS:P0-500:A20-40: Price per person is $400 and Passenger is 25 years old where Travel Insurance will be priced at $40 per person INS:P2000-3000:A41-50: Passenger 2 is 45 years old, the Travel Insurance will be for $75. |
Based on Percentage and Passenger Age:
Insurance calculated based on price per person and age.
Service ID Format: INSPCT[Percent]:A[From Age]-[To Age]
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Example: INSPCT10:A20-40: Price per person is $400 and Passenger is 25 years old where Travel Insurance will be priced at $40 per person INSPCT10:A41-50: Passenger 2 is 45 years old, the Travel Insurance will be for $75. |
Based on Percentage and Passenger Age and Price:
Insurance calculated based on price per person and age.
Service ID Format: INSPCT:A[From Age]-[ToAge]:P[From Price]-[To Price]
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Example: INSPCT10:A20-40:P0-1000 Price per person is $400 and Passenger is 25 years old where Travel Insurance will be priced at $40 per person INSPCT10:A41-50:P1001-2000 Passenger 2 is 45 years old and price per person is $1500, the Travel Insurance will be for $75. |
Based on Location of passenger
Insurance is calculated based on where the passenger resides within the United States. For these types of cases, there needs to be two or more separate INSURANCE Products and two or more Booking Rules for Insurance.
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Insurance based on location is only supported when the Insurance is offered through the Passenger page in the reservation system. |
Product Code: INSURRANCE Booking Rule: INSURANCE - Where Rule Text = INSURANCE
Product Code: INSURRANCE-CALIFORNIA Booking Rule: INSURANCE - Where Rule Text = INSURANCE-CALIFORNIA, apply under Destination Filters, enter the State(s) the Insurance policy applies to.
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Example: If the Passenger 1 is from California and Passenger 2 is from Pennsylvania, passenger 1 can be changed $70 for the Travel Insurance and Passenger 2 can be charged $80 for the Travel Insurance. |