Enhanced validation in Chart of Accounts when creating a new account to fail if Company/Account ID already exist in the system (previously was updating the existing record without any warning)
Updated Create Payables in Pay Commissions screen to roll up all of the commission payments in 1 total in the confirmation popup (previously was showing each line individually requiring user to manually sum up)
Fixed validation in creation of a new Group to not allow you to create a Group without a Contact, to avoid further issues down the line
Fixed issue with sending emails from the Queues when an override from or override to address was set
When updating product details directly on the grid, Softrip will now pop up the confirmation to update multiple products on the same tour
When booking > 11 months away, departure city will auto-fill based on the setup of the Product in order to book pending air correctly - Res Next Only
Exchange rates are now set correctly on the reservation system when booking in multiple currencies different than the Base - Res Next Only