Chart of Accounts
Chart of Accounts Overview
The Chart of Accounts screen is designed to provide users with the ability to enter their companies' General Ledger accounts. This screen is allows users to list out all of their balance sheet, and income statement accounts. This screen is located under the "Setup" menu option in Accounting.
Defining the fields
To begin building the Chart of Accounts, users will select the plus sign at the top of the grid. Below are the list of fields available and their definitions.
Company ID
Users will select the company ID from the dropdown option. This screen allows for multiple accounts to be added to the applicable companies if supporting multiple general ledgers for one company.
Account Number
The Account Number is the numeric definition of the account.
Note: The only non-numeric character that is supported in this field is a period.
Account Name
Name of the Account.
Example: Bank Account 1234
Statement ID
The statement code is the classification type of the account. This code usually correlates to what users will enter under the account number. Below are the list of options users will be able to choose from.
B1-Current Assets
B2-Fixed Assets
B4-Long Term Liabilities
I2-Other Income
I3-Cost Of Sales
Note: I5 through I9 may also be entered as custom statement codes by accessing the defaults screen under security settings.
Balance Type
Select from either Debit or Credit from the drop down. Balance type indicates the normal balance in the account.
Export Account Number
When the account balances are exported to another system, the "Export Account" number may be used.
Indicates if the account is in active status. Y-Yes, N-No.
Additional Data