Res Queue Management

Res Queue Management

Res Queue Management




The Res Queue management screen allows Softrip users to manage and automate the mass communication of reservation-related information and documents to their passengers/travel agents via email. The two main areas that define how a queue will be processed are as follows:


  1. The types of bookings that go on the queue

  2. The communication schedule.


Users can choose to fully automate a queue, fully manage it manually, or handle queues in both ways.  When fully automated, the bookings are added to the queue and sent via email by the system without any user interaction. If managing manually, a user will add bookings to a queue and send the emails, all through the screen's UI.  Adding bookings to the queue only and not auto-sending provides users with the opportunity to manually manage the queue and bookings prior to sending information to their passengers or travel agents. 


The other options are as follows:


  1.  Automate the addition of the bookings but manually send the emails

  2. Manually add bookings but automate the sending of email. 


Users can access “Res queue Management” under the Softrip Operations menu.  



Examples of Queues:


There is no limit to the number of queues that can be created in Operations and the type of queues to be created can be determined by the business based on their business model.  


Below is a list of some standard queues and their use:




Invoice queues are set up so that a copy of a booking invoice will automatically send to a passenger or travel agent once a booking is created.  

The invoice can be automatically attached to the queue so that when the e-mail is generated to the correspondent, a copy of the booking invoice is always attached to the e-mail.


Note: Users should ensure that their invoice is set-up to their liking and all relevant rule text is added under the appropriate booking rules.

See the Booking Rules- Invoices and Documents article for more information.




Document queues are set up so that a copy of the booking’s documents will be automatically sent to a passenger or travel agent. 

The documents report can be added to the queue so that the most current document associated to the booking will attach to the email at all times.  Typically, the document queue is set up to automatically send the email once a booking is paid in full. 


Note: Users should ensure that their document is set-up to their liking and all rule text is added under the appropriate booking rules. 

See the Booking Rules- Invoices and Documents article for more information.


Final Payment Reminders


Final payment queues are designed to send notifications to customers that a final payment on a booking is due soon.

This queue is typically set to send once a day continuously until the final payment is made on the booking. 


Deposit Reminders


The deposit reminder queue is designed to send notifications to customers that a deposit on a booking is due soon.


Getting Started:


Before setting up queues, it is important to understand that the queue set-up is a joint effort between the Business and Softrip.  There is a general workflow that is followed when queues are being set up and each area comes with its' own set of tasks and responsibilities.    


Outlined below is the general workflow for setting-up queues:



Identifying Responsibilities:


As queues are being set-up, each domain (Softrip or the Business) has its’ own set of responsibilities to focus on.  Below is the lay out of responsibilities and an overall explanation of how each task is accomplished. 

Task: Identify Queue Needs

Who is responsible? Business

Action: The Business will identify the types of queues  needed in order to support their day to day operations.  To do this, it is important to look at the types of processes that currently exist within a business and how a specific queue or automated communication may potentially help streamline that process.  Once identified, users will document the requirements and submit the request to Softrip. 

Task: Create the Booking Rules associated to the queue

Who is responsible? Softrip

Action:  Once the Customer submits the parameters for the queue, Softrip will inject those parameters into a booking rule.  These parameters or “booking rules” will be associated to the queue.

The types of parameters that can be set are the following:

  • Invoices should be sent:

    • Once a booking is made

    • Once the reservation status is equal to either Quote or Active

    • Automatically

    • One time only

  • The invoice queue should run:

    • Every day at 9:00 AM

    • Once daily


Note:  There are certain types of queues that a user may set-up on their own.  These types of queues typically do not have multiple parameters that are required to be validated against in order for the queue to send.  




Queue Rules


The queue rules are set up by Softrip based on the parameters that were given by the business/users.  These parameters are what drive the queue functionality.  The parameters that are provided to Softrip must be verifiable data within the Softrip application. 



Below are some examples of parameters that may be provided to Softrip:  



Auto Queue vs Queue Only



Creating a New Queue


Once in the res queue management screen, users can access the “create queue” option at the bottom of the screen.



There are multiple queue tabs available for users to manage in res queue management.  The queue tabs are as follows:


  • Reservations on Queue

  • Email Setup (With Attach.)

  • Email Setup (No Attach.)

  • Queue Settings


Within each queue tab, there are different fields that users can customize and manage on their own without the aide of Softrip. 


Queue Settings:


The queue settings tab is the area where users can label the queue, add additional descriptions, and set the correspondence types. 


Defining the fields




The code field allows users to enter a unique code or label that identifies the queue.  


The description field is for internal users, allowing users to enter a few details relating to the queue.


Queue Status

Users can either set the queue to active or loading.


The events and actions section of the queue displays the booking rules that are associated to the queue.  Users can view the  booking rules in the Product system by selecting the "view/edit" button.  By doing this, the booking rules screen in Product will open in another tab.  

Review the Queue Rules section of the article for more information. 



  • Events display how and when the reservations get queued to the specified queue.

  • This is set up in Softrip Product > Booking rules > Rule Type = “V” for Event



  • Actions display when the specified queue is scheduled to auto process. This is set up in:

  • Softrip Product > Booking rules > Rule Type = “S” for Scheduled Action


Survey ID 


If surveys are set-up with Softrip, users can add the Survey ID in this field.


Remove res from queue when “Received”



If users select this option, the bookings will be removed from the queues.  This applies even if a reservation has been sent manually from the reservation screen or it has been sent from the queue. 



Render Documents per room 


This checkbox is only used if there are multiple rooms that exist under one booking number and users would like each room within that booking to have their own set of documents.  Additional set-up is required from Softrip.


Correspondence Settings


The correspondence settings allows users to choose who the queue will be sent to by setting the correspondence types.  There are eight (8) different options that users can choose from under the correspondence settings.  Each option selected will send to the email address that is associated to that particular contact, whether it be the travel agent, lead passengers, or all travelers.  Users also have the option to CC additional individuals.



Corresponding Types


  • Correspondence type Set on Reservation

    • The queue will be sent to the email address of the correspondent that is selected on the reservation.  Users will have the option to choose from either the customer, contact, or lead passenger, although the default is "contact." 

    • For more information, view the "correspondence type on a reservation" paragraph.

  • Each Passenger with an Email Address

    • If there are multiple passengers on a reservation, then each passenger that is on the reservation and also has an email address will receive an email when a queue is processed.  

  • Lead Passenger

    • Selecting a lead passenger on a specific queue will always send an email to the lead passenger on the reservation.  

  • Main Contact on Reservation

    • If main contact is selected, then the main contact on the reservation will receive an email from the queue.  

    • The main contact can either be a travel agent or it can be the same as the lead passenger on the booking.  

  • IATA/Customer on Reservation

    • If there is an email address associated to the customer, and the reservation is booked under a customer, then the queue email will be sent to the customer's email address.  

  • Created by User ID (If Internal User)

    • Designed mainly to be used for internal queues, the email will be delivered to the email address associated to the internal user that created the reservation.  

  • Main Contact and Lead Passenger

    • If the main contact on a reservation is different than the lead passenger, then the queue will send to both the main contact and the lead passenger.  

  • Each Passenger (Send to an internal Email Address) 


Correspondence Type set on Reservation:


The first option for users to choose from is to send the email to the correspondence type set on the reservation.  The correspondence type set on a reservation can be chosen, managed, and updated in the reservation system. 

Each booking has three different correspondences to choose from: contact, customer, lead passenger.  By default, the correspondence will be set to "contact" on the passenger page while confirming a booking.  



The correspondence type on each booking can be updated within the booking on the booking header.  When the correspondence type is changed on the header, the details of the contact, customer, or lead passenger will display so that users can verify the email address that the email from the queue will be sent to.  



In the example above, the correspondence type is set to "contact."  The email address associated to the contact is oztest@test.com.  Any time this particular booking runs through any queue, and, the correspondence type under the correspondence settings in the Operations res queue management screen is set to "correspondence type set on reservation," the email will be sent to oztest@test.com.


In the below example, the correspondence type was updated to display "customer."  The email address associated to the customer (the travel agency) is rfeidler@softrip.com.  Now, all emails sent from the queue on this particular booking will be sent to rfeidler@softrip.com




Customizing the body of the email:

There are multiple opportunities for users to customize the body of the email that is sent to the correspondence selected on the queue.  These options include entering freeform text, adding placeholders, and customizing the formatting.  These customizations will display on the email that is sent from the queue.  


  • Body of the email:   

    • Users can enter freeform text into the “body” field.  This type of information can vary and will be what is displayed to the customer when an e-mail from the queue is received. 



  • Placeholders:

    • Placeholders can be added to the body of the email in order to personalize the message.  Softrip provides a list of placeholders that can be inserted into the body of the email. 


  • Format customization:

    • The format of the emails can also be customized.  This includes formatting such as the font size, bolding, adding hyperlinks, adding bullet points and much more. 



Once the email is delivered to the correspondent from the queue, the updates made will appear in the email.  


Attaching Reports:


Certain queues may require additional attachments to go along with the correspondence.  The first type of attachment that Softrip supports is attaching an existing Softrip report to the queue.  The second type of attachment Softrip supports is auxiliary attachments.

If an attachment should be included in an email, then users should work within the "Email Setup (With Attach.)" tab.  If an attachment should not be included in an email, then users should work within the Email Setup (No Attach.) tab.  



  • Attaching Softrip Reports:

    • Users can choose any number of Softrip reports to attach to the queue.  In doing this, when customers receive the email, the report will always be attached for the customers to view. 

    • This is typically used for invoices and documents, but it is not limited to these two types of queues. 

    • Users can also set conditions in which these reports can be attached





  • Aux. Attachments:

    • Users also have the option to add additional attachments to the queue.  These additional attachments will stem from files that are saved locally on a user’s machine.  Similar to attaching reports, additional parameters can be applied to the aux. attachments.  




Users also have the opportunity to add conditions around when the report should attach to a queue.  Conditions are available under both the STN Reports option and the Aux reports option.  



Manually Adding Reservations to the queue:


Users have the option to manually add reservations to existing queues.  Although it is not necessary to manually add bookings to any queue, Softrip provides this option to users.


Bookings may need to be manually added to a queue for a variety of reasons.  For example, based on the parameter set on the queue itself, a booking may not typically run through a specific queue.  However, they may be information or documentation on that queue that may be relevant to that specific booking.  Users can search for that particular booking and add it to the queue so that the information will be sent to the correspondent.


To manually add a booking to an existing queue, follow the steps below.


  1. Access the queue.

  2. Select the plus (+) sign.

  3. Once the search screen opens, enter search parameters.

  4. Once the appropriate bookings appear, users can select the bookings and add them to the queue. 




Right click options:


Once a queue is accessed, users have a few different right click options available to them.  



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