Set up - Checklist
Set up - Checklist
Subsystem = Security
Screen = Users
Task = Setup internal user profiles
Screen = System Settings
Task = Review, update, or add market codes
Screen = System Settings
Task = Set up your mail server settings (This will allow you to send documents from the Softrip Application)
Subsystem = Product
Screen = Suppliers
Task = Set up suppliers (suppliers you will be offering to customers such as your hotels, transfer companies, and sightseeing tours)
Screen = Services
Note: Not a required step if offering Custom Groups Only
Task = Build and associate services to suppliers built (room categories offered by your hotels, transfer types, the sightseeing tours that are offered by the sightseeing company)
Screen = Rates
Task = Build the rates associated to the suppliers (cost associated to the service, but you also have the ability to add a price. adding a cost will also give you the opportuntiy to add a markup at a later time)
Note: Not a required step if offering Tours (set departures) or Custom Groups Groups
Screen = Product
Task = Create Product by first entering details into the Product Header
Screen = Product
Task = Add Product Details to the existing product (Suppliers/Services/Rates)
Screen = Product/Manage Product
Task = Add your Mark-up for your services by accessing the Pricing Profile
Screen = Product/Manage Product
Task = Update Departure Dates and Prices (the selling price of the departures of your tours)
Screen = Product/Manage Product
Task = Update your Daily Itinerary (Access the Daily Itinerary to update your day by day itinerary of your tour/departure)
Screen = Product/Manage Product
Task = Update the Highlights of your package/itinerary/departure
Screen = Product/Manage Product
Task = Add Product Events to your Package or Custom Group (The Product Events allow you to set up the communication timing for that particular service. This allows you to report your rooming lists to your suppliers through the Operations Messages screen)
Note: For testing purposes, you will want to add "Report Immediately" as your communication timing to some of your product events/services. This will allow you to create reservations and then view your messages in the Operation Messages screen. Once you understand the process of sending your rooming list to your suppliesr through Operation Messages, you can update your communication timing as needed.
Note: Product Events are relevant for Products that are Packages (Set Departures) and Custom Groups. If you are selling services through the Vacation Builder option, then you will want to add the communication timing to your individual services in the services screen.
Screen = Amenities
Task = Add amenities to your suppliers such as images, room amenities, etc
Note: You can access Amenities in a variety of ways. The first way is by right clicking on one of your services from the grid when you are in teh Product application and selecting "amenities." The second way is from the Product Subsystem dropdown menu. The last way is by accessing the supplier profile in the Product Suppliers screen.
Subsystem = Product or Operations
Screen = Product = Tour Services Inventory or Custom Inventory
Task = Associate inventory to your departure/inventory management item
Screen = Operations = Inventory
Task = Associate inventory to your block codes (applicable typically to services that are shopped through Vacation Builder only)
Subsystem = Security
Screen = System Settings
Task = Set up rules/text for Invoice and Documents
Task = Set up rules for Deposit and Final Payment Dates
Task = Set up rules for Deposit Amounts
Task = Set up rules for Insurance
Task = Set up rules/text for Quote Letter Details
Subsystem = Marketing/CRM
Screen = Manage Contacts
Task = Import Contacts
Screen = Manage Customers (only if you are selling to an outside organization such as a travel agency or a church group)
Task = Import Customers
Screen = Commissions
Task = Set up commission values (only relevant if you are paying commissions to your contacts or customers, such as travel agents and travel agencies)
Subsystem = Reservations
Task = Test and Create Bookings in Reservations
Subsystem = Operations
Screen = Messages
Task = Run your messages (You will need to first choose the type of reservations you are reporting on the left hand side: FIT reservations, Groups, or Packages. Once that is chosen, the reservations that are setup to be reported to the hotel will display in the middle of the screen. Post your message so that it is marked as "reported" to your suppliers)
Screen = Confirm Reservations
Task = Search for existing reservations. Once they are accessed, update your grid with the confirmation number from your suppliers. Mark onf of your reservations as "reported" so that you can access Messages again to report your rooming list to your suppliers again.
Screen = Res Queue Management
Task = Setup your queues so that you can send invoices, documents, final payment reminders and more to your passengers.