Users - Softrip Payments

Users - Softrip Payments

The Users page allows you to view all portal users associated with your account, add new portal users, and access user profiles.

Navigate to the Users page by clicking Users under the Management category in the left-hand navigation panel.

A partial view of the Users page showing the Users Information banner, the ADD USER button, and the Users table.

Users Page Features

Users Information Banner

View the total number of users and the number of active and inactive users in the Users Information Banner located at the top of the Users page.

Add New Users

Follow the steps below to add a new user:

  • Step 1: Click the ADD USERS button in the upper right-hand corner of the page to open the Add Users lightbox.

  • Step 2: Select the user role. See the User Roles section of this page for descriptions of user roles.

  • Step 3: Enter the required information about the new user.

  • Step 4 (Optional): To use a saved Access Template, click TEMPLATE to open the Access Templates page.

  • Step 5: Click ADD USER to create a new user record, or click CANCEL to return to the Users page.

User Roles

The following roles are available to select when adding a new user:

User Role Name


User Role Name


Referrer Full Access

View, edit, and manage all merchants below you in your Referrer hierarchy.

Referrer View Only

View all merchants below you in your Referrer hierarchy.

Merchant Admin Full Access

View, edit, and manage any associated merchant accounts.

View, edit, and manage sub-merchant accounts.

Merchant Admin View Only

View any associated merchant accounts.

View any sub-merchant accounts. 

Merchant Full Access

View, edit, and manage any associated merchant accounts.

Merchant View Only

View only the merchant account(s) they are associated with.

Users Table

Locate information about individual users in the main table on the Users page. Individual users are listed by row. The default view includes the following columns:

Users Table Column Name


Users Table Column Name



The username associated with the user.


The first and last names of the user.


The email address associated with the user account.


The status of the user account: Active or Inactive.

Main Role

The main role assigned to the user: Referrer or Merchant.

Last Login

The date and time that the user last logged in to their account.

Arrow Icon

Click on the grey triangle in any row to view additional details for a specific user, or click on the grey triangle in the table header to view additional details for all entries.

Users Table Actions

You can perform the following actions with the Users table:

  • Load more rows to the table by clicking SHOW MORE RESULTS.

  • View more details about a specific user by clicking any line in the table to expand the row.

  • Edit user information by clicking the information for any user to open the User Profile page.

Customize the Users Table

You can customize your view using the options found at the top of the table.

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