Reservations History

Reservations History

History Overview

The Reservation History screen equips internal users with comprehensive oversight of reservation changes and communications sent to both suppliers and clients. The menu offers four distinct options:


This feature empowers users to review all changes made within reservations. It provides detailed information including the who stamp, date and time of each change, a log of modifications, and a snapshot of changes through an invoice report.



Res Messages

Users can send email communications and seamlessly archive client responses directly within reservations, enhancing communication management efficiency.

Res Messages.mp4

Sent Documents

This section catalogs all automated communications dispatched through the Reservation Queue Management screen, such as invoices, travel documents, and schedule changes, streamlining document tracking.

Supplier Reports

Users can access a consolidated record of communications sent to suppliers via the Operations messaging system. Additionally, confirmation messages received and processed through the Operations reservation confirmation process are conveniently logged in this part of the Reservations System.


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