Segmentation By Contact and Customer
Segmentation By Contact and Customer Overview
The segmentations by contact and customer screens provide users with a variety of filters that allow them to view and export data as it relates to their contacts or customers.
Note: The segmentations by contact and customer screens are designed to allow users to pull data about their contacts and customers as needed. On this screen, users can either jump to the contact or customer records, select the email address to contact the contact or customer through their mail client, or they can export the information they are viewing directly from this screen. This screen is used more for reporting and viewing purposes. The data provided on this screen is can be manipulated by the filters available under each tab. Specific reports can be saved on this screen if, potentially, the same data will be pulled multiple times.
Users may want to search for all contacts that are under the "Advanced" Commission tier so that they may evaluate the performance of those agents and adjust the commission accordingly based on their performances. Users will access the segmentation by contact screen and conduct a search for all contacts under the advanced commission code.
Users may want to search for all contacts that have reservaitons within the previous year to blast a future credit promotion to them. By accessing the segmentations by contact screen, users will have the opportunity to search for the contacts using the reservation history filters to send the promotional information to those contacts.
This screen is located under Segmentations in the Marketing Menu.
Working in the Screens
The below will outline how users can use some of the fields in their search criteria to begin extracting information. It is important to note that all searches can be saved for later use. This helps users within an organization share their searches with other employees so that the same data points are being accessed each time.
This can be accomplished by first running the search, labeling the query, and selecting the "save" icon after the search is conducted.
Marketing Search Criteria
Contact ID
Enter a Contact ID to search for. Use Comma's to separate multiple Contact ID's. For Example, "1234567,99988877" or "1234567". You may use the wildcard "*" to search for all Contact ID's similar to the one typed in. Please note, multiple wildcard searches (comma seperated wildcard values like 12%,567%) are not supported.
Default Brand
Enter or Select a Default Brand to search by. Click the image to see all possible Brands. You may use the wildcard "*" to search for all BrandID's similar to the one typed in. Please note, multiple wildcard searches are not supported.
Select the Status of Contacts: ( A )ctive / ( I )nactive
Contact Type
Enter a Contact Type. Use a comma to separate multiple values. You may use the wildcard "*" to search for all Contact Types similar to the one typed in. Please note, multiple wildcard searches are not supported.
Customer Type
Enter a Customer Type. Use a comma to separate multiple values. You may use the wildcard "*" to search for all Contact Types similar to the one typed in. Please note, multiple wildcard searches are not supported.
Commission Code
Enter a Commission Code. Use a comma to separate multiple values. You may use the wildcard "*" to search for all Commission Codes similar to the one typed in. Please note, multiple wildcard searches are not supported.
Passenger Type
The passenger type of this contact. Either (A)dult or (C)hild.
Has Email Address
Choose Y to return only those contacts which have an email address on record.
Origin Display
Enter or search for an advertisement code that represents the Recipients origin.
Created Date From/To
Date range from when users were created in the system
By Range or Month - Select which type to search by
City - Contact's City
State - Contact's State
Zip - Contact's Zip Code
Country - Contact's Country
Enter a Territory. Use a comma to separate multiple values. You may use the wildcard "*" to search for all Affiliation ID's similar to the one typed in.
Customer Criteria
Commission Code - Commission Code used by the Customer
Customer ID
Any - Return all Contacts with or without a Customer ID.
Without a Customer ID - Return only contacts without a Customer ID.
With a Customer ID - Return only contacts with a Customer ID.
Without a Customer ID + With as specified below - Return all contacts without a Customer ID along with only those whose Customer infomation matches the below criteria.
With a Customer ID as specified below - Return only Contacts with Customer information that matches the below criteria
Status - Has at least 1 Travel credit/that is either Active, Pending, or Redeemed
Expires From/To - Date range used to return promos by their expiration date
Cateogry - Select the promotion category
Promo Is.. Drop Down - Select an option that will allow you to filter results for promotions that match exactly, almost exactly, or exclude the text you are entering into this field. Enter or Select a Promo ID to search by. Click the image to see all possible Promo ID's. You may use the wildcard "*" to search for all Promo ID's similar to the one typed in. Please note, multiple wildcard searches are not supported.
Return Results
Along with Contact Promo Information - Choose this option when you want a row of results returned for the matching recipient for every contact promotion that matches. This is useful for emailing Contacts about specifically about that promotion, EX: Emailing them about their referrals, travel credits, and other promotions. If a matching contact has 2 promotions, they will be listed twice, individually next to each promotion that matched.
Match but Don't Return Contact Promo Information - Choose this option when you want to return recipients who match the specified promotion criteria, but only want one row per search grouping. If a matching contact has 2 promotions, they will be listed only once.
Reservation Search Criteria
Has Any Reservation History
Return all passengers that have any reservation history
Has No Reservation History
Return all passengers that do not have any reservation history
Has Reservation History as Specified Below
Return all passengers that fit the specifed reservation criteria in the filters below
Has Had At Least () Reservation
Enter the minimum # of reservations the matching recipients should have traveled on.
Date Criteria
Date Type
Select the Date Type you wish to search for and use the between date filters
Expiring/Deposit Date
Final Payment Date
Reservation Header Criteria
Brand - Enter or Select a Brand to search by. Click the image to see all possible Brands. You may use the wildcard "*" to search for all BrandID's similar to the one typed in. Please note, multiple wildcard searches are not supported.
Sell Method - Enter or Select a Sell Method to search by. Click the image to see all possible Sell Methods.
Origin Display - The origin display relates to the data/information that is entered into campaign management. If users want to pull a passenger list as it relates to a specific campaign, then they can select those details from the list.
Reservation Status
Active with Originating Status
Option/Saved Itinerary - Active Reservations that started as a Saved Itinerary.
All Others - Active Reservations (money applied)
Cancelled with Originating Status
Option/Saved Itinerary - Saved Itineraries that have been cancelled.
All Others - Reservations that have been cancelled.
Option/Saved Itinerary - Reservations that are Option status (not taking from inventory).
Quote - Reservations in Quotation (no monies applied).
Proposal - Reservations that are a proposal.
Paid Status
Only return reservations that are paid in full
Enter or Select a Market Code to search by. Click the image to see all possible Market Codes. You may use the wildcard "*" to search for all Market Codes similar to the one typed in. Please note, multiple wildcard searches are not supported.
Product Code
Enter a Product Code to search by. You may use the wildcard "*" to search for all ProductCodes similar to the one typed in. Please note, multiple wildcard searches are not supported.
Tour Code
Enter or Select a Tour Code to search by. Click to image to see all possible tour codes. You may use the wildcard "*" to search for all TourCodes similar to the one typed in. Please note, multiple wildcard searches are not supported.
Group Status
Non Group Booking - Non-Group Bookings (no parent res #)
Parent Booking - Parent Group bookings (Res # = Product Code)
Child Group Booking - Child Group Bookings (has parent res #, but res # is not the product #)
Booked By
All External and Internal Users - Return all bookings made by either External Users (those logged in with email addresses) or Internal Users (employees).
All External Users- Return only bookings made by External Users (those logged in with email addresses).
All Internal Users - Return only bookings made by Internal Users (employees).
All External and Specified Internals - Return any bookings made by External Users (those logged in with email addresses) along with only those made by Internal Users (employees) that match the below criteria.
Specified Internals Only - Return only those made by Internal Users (employees) that match the below criteria.
Mailing Search Criteria
Subscription History
If users are setting up subscriptions under Marketing, then users can use the mailing tab to pull a list of contacts that have opted into one of their subscriptions.
Using this option will provide users with more detailed information on the contacts than if they just use the subscription history option under marketing.
Adding an Activity Note
Once the row for a contact is selected, users have the option to select "add activity note." Once this is selected, users can update the activity note at the bottom of the screen. This is then saved against the contact record and can be viewed in the contact's profile under the Softrip CRM.
This option is designed to allow users to add a quick memo against a contact when they are pulling details against that contact in the segmentations screen.