Tour Series Screen

Tour Series Screen

Tour Series

The Tour Series is a block reservation designed for tours that occur on a regular basis.  Within a Tour Series, there can be one or more products linked via Tour ID with the same or different departures or frequencies.  

Tour Series refers to a collection or series of guided tours or travel packages offered by a tour operator. These tours often follow a specific itinerary, visiting multiple destinations and including various activities or experiences.

TourID and Tourcode are identifiers used to distinguish and manage different tours within a tour operator's system:

TourID: This is a unique identification number or code assigned to a specific package(s).  It helps in tracking, organizing, and managing the details and logistics of a particular tour, such as departure dates, itinerary, pricing, and availability.  Ex: 


Tour Code:  Tour Code consists of TourID + Departure-date of the package(s).  Note: This is a system generated value.  This code can be used internally within Softrip to quickly identify and manage different departure dates withing the TourID, making it easier for booking, and operational purposes.

Example:  There are two packages sharing the same itinerary except one of the packages is longer in duration.  In this case, we set the Tour ID to be IE-BST as the common identifier to link the two packages as the same Tour Series. 

Package = 7 Day Best of Ireland

Tour ID = IE-BST

Dep Date:  2/21/2022

Package = 9 Day Best of Ireland

Tour ID = IE-BST

Dep Date:  2/21/2022

Tour Code = IE-BST:2022-02-21


For the Tour Series to work properly, prerequisites are as follows:

  • The product Header Tour ID has a value in it.  Tour ID:  Key identifier for the Tour Series.  This unique ID must be set in the product header for the Product(s) to appear in the Tour Series screen.  To learn more about creating Tour ID's please review the following article.  

    Setting up Tour IDs

  • Dates & Prices Records are created. To follow the steps, please review the article on how to:  http://stknowledgecenter.helpdocsonline.com/datesandprices

  • Inventory Management Records created: To follow the steps, please review the article on how http://stknowledgecenter.helpdocsonline.com/createinvmgmt


How to get there:

To get to the Tour Series screen go to Operations --> Tours --> Tour Series

Overall View

The Tour Series is a block reservation designed for tours that occur on a regular basis.  Within a Tour Series, there can be one or more products linked via Tour ID with the same or different departures or frequencies.  Overall, the view of the screen provides search, display, and update capabilities.  




Search Parameters

Tour Code:  Search based on TourID or Tour Code.  TourCode is a specific departure.  Use the colon during your search to see the list of departures for that tour.

Market Code:  Use it to return a list of departures associated with that market code.  To learn more about market codes, please see the Article and search for Market Codes.  http://stknowledgecenter.helpdocsonline.com/product/overview

  • Market Codes are designed to segment a company's travel business into either different types of travel, such as bachelor parties and wedding groups, by different travel locations, such as Las Vegas and Phoenix, or by trip type, such as FIT or GRP (groups). 

  • Reports are available in Softrip as reservations are made to give users the ability to view the performance of these markets.

Date Range: Enter in the date range you wish to return the departures for 

Sales Status / Display status:  Display results based on the Departure Sales and or Display Status. 

Different Views 

Tour View: Rolls up all the departures and the product details.  Gives an overall view of search results.  


Product View: Provides Tour Departure details per product.  Any product(s) will be displayed per below.  


Full View:   Provides Tour Departure details per product and per brand.  Any product(s) will be displayed similar to below. This will apply to multi-brand instances.  


Overall view of the display/ The Breakdown 

Guide(s): Will display the guide(s) assigned to a departure.  The Tour Guide name will be displayed.  

Sales Status/ Display Status:  Departure Date Sales status.  Double clicking the sales status cell, will allow you to update the record.


Allotted:  Display the total number Inventory Management record alloted value.  

Sold: Displays total number Inventory Management record sold value.  

Available: Allotted minus Sold = Available for the Inventory Management record 

Single/Double/Triple: Will display the total number of Single, Double, Triple rooms sold.  For this to work, hotel services in your product must have an allotment record(s).

Percent Sold:  Per departure, product, brand sold percentage per departure.  

Itinerary Departure Dates:  Display of number of passengers sold per city.  The display is CityCode - number of passengers sold. 

Ex:  Feb 09 on this departure, 6 Day Ireland sold 0 passengers in Dublin, 7 Day Ireland sold 8 passengers in Dublin, 9 Day Ireland sold 14 passengers in Dublin, totaling 22 passengers in Dublin on Feb 09.  





To access the navigation on the Tour Series screen, click on the navigation icon


Reservation List:  Displays list of reservations booked on the departure.  Displays Display the reservation number via hyperlink to jump to the reservation.  Displays information such as Product Code, Pax Name (Lead Passenger Name), Reservation Status, Brand the Reservation is under.  The results section offers options to quick search based on results returned, export the results, and different ways of displaying the returned results with different groupings.  


Master Tour List:  Default set of list specific to the departure.  The result section offers options for "Quick Search" based on results returned, and exporting the results.  The results section also offers a set of lists specified as "Hotels List", "Optional Lists", "Transfer list".



Inventory:  Displays all the inventory records associated with the departure.  The result section offers options for "Quick Search" based on results returned, and exporting the results.  The results section allows you to update the inventory records such as Contracted, Allotted, State, Release Date, Release State.   The records can be updated either individually by double clicking on each cell, or via mass update by clicking on the mass update icon on column header.  You must select 1 or more rows in order to mass update the records.


Custom Tour Reports/ Tour Reports: Short cuts to the selected report.  The process will open as a new tab and fill in the parameters needed for the report. 


Communication --> Tour History:  The process will open as a new tab and fill in the parameters needed to the Operations History screen. 


Communication --> Tour Confirmation Messages:  The process will open as a new tab and fill in the parameters needed to the Operations Tour Requests Messages.  


Jump to --> Tour Manifest:   The process will open as a new tab and fill in the parameters needed for the Operations Confirmations Screen, Passenger view.  


Jump to --> Pricing History:   The process will open as a new tab and display Product Prices history records for those products on the tour.  If you have more than one product in the tour, you can swap by selecting a different product code. 


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