Team User Profile

Team User Profile

The Team User Profile page contains details about a user associated with one of your teams.

Navigate to the Team User Profile by following the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click the PLUS icon next to Users under the Management category in the left-hand navigation bar.

  • Step 2: Click Teams in the drop-down menu to open the Teams page.

  • Step 3: Locate your team in the Teams table and click any information in the row to open the Team Profile page.

  • Step 4: Click the USERS tab at the bottom of the Team Profile page.

  • Step 5: Locate the User in the Users Tab table and click any information in the row to open the Team User Profile page.

A view of the Team Users Profile page, including the User Profile Details and the Edit button.

Team Users Profile Features

User Profile Details

The User Profile Details section contains editable details about a team user, including the following information:

Team User Profile Field Name


Team User Profile Field Name



The user’s ID number


The date that the user’s account was created.


The user’s login ID.


The ID for the team that the user is associated with.

Allowed Access

Indicates the user’s access level. Choose from: None, View, Edit, Admin.

User Profile Details Action

To edit information in the User Profile Details section, click the PENCIL icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Edit the information and click the CHECKMARK icon to save your changes, or discard your changes without saving by clicking the X icon.

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