2025.01 Release Notes (Jan. 13, 2025)

2025.01 Release Notes (Jan. 13, 2025)



Export Passenger List

In addition to a fix (see below) with exporting passenger list columns not matching up correctly, we have also made a change to how the export works. The fields available to export will now be based on the display of the passenger table. This is based on settings as to what should display on the passenger table. If the operator does not want the group leader/agent to view the information, then we also don’t want to allow them to export that information for security purposes.


Restrict number of hotel services in vacation builder

Softrip has now added the ability to restrict the number of hotel services / room categories returned within the initial shop of vacation builder. A new Default called FITMAXROOMS can be added to tell the system how many services per hotel should be returned in the initial shop. A “View More Room Categories” button will then display and allow the user to view all of the categories for that given hotel.

Why it’s important:

This is helpful in speeding up the initial shop of a destination within the vacation builder process, especially when an operator has many hotels and many rooms within those hotels. The restriction will also apply to any 3rd party hotels (like HotelBeds, HBSI, etc.), many of which return 10’s of room categories at a time. By using this setting, it will not only speed up the initial shop but also reduce the size of the page allowing for less scrolling by the end user.

Who it affects:

  • Res Next vacation builder operators

  • Most helpful for operators selling a lot of hotels with many room categories at each


Vacation Builder prices to include taxes and GST

The vacation builder shop results will now include taxes and GST in the display. This will also update the display so that the summary and all services have text communicating that the price includes taxes and fees. This helps the end user see their full price at the time of shop rather than seeing the price change once booked in to the cart. Note that the text will display regardless of a service having taxes or GST loaded against it.

Why it’s important:

This gives the user confidence that what they are seeing in the shop selection and summary includes everything and they will not see a jump in the price after booking to the cart. This also helps the operator avoid any issues with “bait and switch” where the prices change between the shop and book process.

Who it affects:

  • Res Next vacation builder operators


Product Search to use Internal sale status

The Product Search screen will now make use of the Internal sale status on a departure. This has been changed to work in the same manner as the product landing page. If the sale status of a departure is set to “I” (Internal) and the user is a direct consumer or travel agent, no “Book” button will appear and instead the system will display the Description from the SaleStatus code group. If the user is a logged in staff member, the Book button will display as normal and allow them to continue on to the landing page to book.

Why it’s important:

Certain departures may need to be marked as Internal sale only due to inventory, restrictions, or other special circumstances. The operator still wants to promote these departures to their end consumer but just not allow them to book. By using this sale status, this scenario can happen and will not confuse the user in to thinking they can book this departure only to find out on the landing page that they are not able to.

Who it affects:

  • Res Next operators who wish to utilize the product search for end consumers



  • Fixed issue in the group summary export passenger list not exporting the data to the correct columns in some cases

  • Fixed issue in the Costing screen when updating the costs on a custom service to now correctly update the Total Land Cost on the departure dates & prices record

  • Resolved issue where a refresh was needed in order to see the updated Departure Dates & Prices after making changes in the Costing screen. These changes will now reflect automatically without needing to refresh the browser

  • Resolved sporadic issue of the group passenger import subtracting a day from the birth dates that were entered in the spreadsheet


  • Resolved issues with Tour Series screen not handling products with 3 or more Tour ID’s associated to them

  • Fixed issue in Confirm Reservations screen where a memo was being created for shared reservations even when the service could not be confirmed

  • Fixed issue in Send From Email App button within Tour Messaging so that any changes made to the messages will now populate to the email being sent


  • Resolved issue with first report tab being cleared out when viewing multiple reports at one time


  • Updated the Rebook process to allow for rebooking to/from a Shared reservation - Next Only

  • Resolved issues with per person pricing not including taxes and not calculating correctly in some cases - Next Only

  • Optimized the Memos screen and Product Search screen for mobile device use - Next Only

  • Updated External Third Party API shop process to return and price non-refundable mapped rates - Next Only

  • Fixed issue with Add Pre/Post failing to add to cart in certain scenarios - Next Only

  • Resolved issue with “Additional Services” section in vacation builder results where all additional services were displaying rather than just the services associated to the selected hotel - Next Only

  • Updated Softrip Payments error messages to be more clear on which fields are invalid - Next Only


  • Updated image picker to better handle longer folder structures and allow for scrolling to select the image needed

  • Resolved issue of editing the Description of a Remark item inadvertently changing the Description of other Remark items

  • Fixed calculation of package pricing with children to update the Child Cost field with the correct child costs of the package

  • Updated Product Services screen to allow for using a wildcard in the Product Code filter when searching

  • Updated Product header to allow for adding 3 or more Tour ID’s to a Product


  • Updated Dates Request screen to have a more efficient search in order to avoid timeout errors that were occurring

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