Passengers Screen

Passengers Screen

Passengers Screen Overview

In packages, users have the opportunity to view all passengers that are booked on the product by selecting the "passengers" option.  This screen provides users with the option to export a spreadsheet of passengers and their reservations associated to the product as well as jump to different screens such as reservations, the Softrip CRM, and the assign shares screen in Operations.   

Using the Screen 

The below displays an example of the 10 Day Italy By Rail Product.  Once users select "passengers," the screen will return all of the passenger names and reservations associated with that product.   

Selecting the "filter" menu option allows users to conduct a search by departure date and reservation status.  This helps to ensure users are able to review the information that they need. 

The Departure Dates drop down will return all of the applicable departure dates associated to the tour.  


The reservation status fields will return the reservations booked into the pacakge with the applicable status.


Selecting Active will return only active reservations associated to that Package.  




Users can access a variety of screens by clicking the hyperlinks available on the Passengers screen detailed below.  

Jump to the associated reservation by clicking the reservation number.  Users will be brought to the passenger screen where they can make update to the passenger records or make modifications to the reservation by adding additional passengers.  

View the Contact Profile in the CRM.



Assign Shares and Grouping

Where users can select their grouping options, users can select assign shares.  This will direct users to the assign shares screen in operations. 


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