Package Daily Itinerary

Package Daily Itinerary

The Package Daily Itinerary will allow users to outline a detailed itinerary of the Package. This will appear on the Package Landing page for potential passengers to review.

The Itinerary will automatically fill in the Dates of the Package based on the Departure Date the user has selected from the “Departure Dates Selection” section:

Adding Entries

Users can add an entry to the Daily Itinerary by selecting the “+” button.

This will open the below menu to fill in the details. They can use the HTML editor tool to further detail their itinerary.

  • On Day - The Day the Services or Activities you’re outlining falls on

  • From/To - The system will automatically fill in the Beginning and Ending Departure Dates of the Product. Users can use these ranges for when they have services are only available between certain Departures.

Example: In the image below the “Colosseum” Service is only available to passengers whose Departure falls between Nov. 15 and Nov. 25 2023

  • Itinerary Header - The title of that Itinerary entry

  • Itinerary Image - Users can upload an image for more detail on that date

  • Itinerary Details - Users will use this field to detail that date’s activities


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