Departure Dates and Prices

Departure Dates and Prices

Departure Dates and Prices Overview

When building a Package, users have two different options when calculating the costs and the selling price of the tour.  These options are available once a Product is built under the "Dates and Prices" option.  



Pricing Profile

Any products, whether they are lists (designed for vacation builder shops) or packages (designed to shop for set departures) require a pricing profile.  Pricing profiles behave in a way that will add a mark-up value to any costs that are entered against a service.  

In order to calculate land costs on a package with the mark up value from the pricing profile applied, costs must first be entered into the rates screen.  Once the costs are entered and the services are added to the package, a pricing profile needs to be created.  Once this is is created, users can select the departure dates and prices option to calculate the land cost.  

Adding Departure Dates

Creating the departure dates for the package can be accomplished by selecting dates and prices, selecting the departure dates and prices option, and then selecting the plus sign. 

Single Departure

Users can create a tour with a single departure or select multiple dates within the single departure option.  If a tour is run on specific dates, then users can select these dates from the calendar with this option.  



Daily Departures

If the tour is running daily, users can select the "date range option."  From there, users can select "daily departure."  This will provide users with the option to designate a date range.  Once users select "add dates," the daily departure  dates will be generated.  

Weekday Departures

If a tour runs on specific days of the week, users can first select the "date range" option.  From there, users can select "week days," and designate the days of the week the tour is running.  

Date Range



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