Price History

Price History

The Price History menu will allow users to review any and all changes that have been made within the Departure Dates and Prices. This menu is available for Package and Group Product Types.

Within the Product select Dates & Prices → Price History:

The system will show a record for each Departure Date and what changes or updates have been made to that Departure Date Price.


In the example above the user can see when the Departure Date record was added under the “ADD” Action Code. Above “ADD” the system will display “Updates” that record has gone through before showing what the “CURRENT” price is.

Selecting the button on the far right of the grid will open a window to show exactly what was changed on that record:


Sorting and Filtering

Users can use sort and filter through these records by using the “Filters” tab:

This will allow users to utilize a number of filter parameters -Plans, Brands, Date Ranges, etc - to search for certain Departure Dates and Prices record updates. Users can fill out the filters and select “Filter” at the bottom of the menu and the grid will update to show those particular records.

The “Records” label at the top of the gird will show the filtered number of records against the total number of records

Users can also use the Group options at the top to group those records within the Grid below


Selecting “Export” will export this data out of the system as a CSV file, should the user need to review this data offline.

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