Cancel Expired Option

Cancel Expired Option

Cancel Expired Option




The Cancel Option Expired screen gives users the ability to mass cancel reservations based on the parameters entered into the search options.  The cancel option expired screen is accessible from the Operations menu until Ops Management.  




Search Options

Users can manually search for each individual reservation number or users can pull back a list of reservations to mass cancel by using additional filters.  


Tool Tip for Group bookings

When searching for a specific res number, users have the option of entering an individual reservation number, or they can select the "parent res" check box.

If users want to pull back and display a parent reservation along with all of the associated child reservations, then they can select the parent res checkbox.  


The additional filters are as follows:

  • Market Code

  • Brand ID

  • Res Status

    • Active

    • Option

    • Quote

    • Cancelled

  • Search by:

    • Expired Option

    • Booking Date

    • Departure Date

  • Date Ranges 


Defining the Search Fields

Market Code

Users can search for all reservations that exist under a particular market code.  

Using the market code option in this scenario is dependent on how a particular company has the market codes set-up in the application.  For example, a business may have their market codes set-up per destination. 

If users have their market codes set-up per destination and a natural disaster has caused major damage to a certain destination, users can access the cancel expired option screen, search by market code and date range, and mass cancel all relevant bookings.  

Brand ID

If multiple brands exist within a company, users can search for all reservations that exist within that particular brand.  This filter may be helpful  for users that may have limited inventory under a particular brand and they want to mass cancel reservations that are under a "quote" status.  

Res Status

Users can mass cancel reservations under a specific reservations status.  For example, if users want to clear out their reservation system of bookings that are not active, they can search for bookings created within the last 3 months under quote and option statuses and mass cancel the bookings.  

Users can choose three different options from a drop down when conducting a search.  These options will check specific dates on the bookings that exist in the reservation system.  


Expired Option

Coupled with the date range option, users can search for bookings that have expired within a certain time frame and mass cancel these reservations.

Note:  The Softrip application will check the "deposit due" date on the reservation header to determine which bookings to bring back to the screen to cancel.  

These deposit due dates are set-up in under Product Markets or under the EXPIREDOPTIONDATE booking rule in Product Booking Rules.  Review Booking Rules for more information on how to access the booking rules screen.  

Booking Date

Coupled with the date range option, users can search for bookings that were created within a certain time frame.

Departure Date

Coupled with the date range option, users can search for bookings that were created within a certain time frame.

Executing cancellations

Once the screen returns the results, users will have the option to either choose to cancel one reservation at a time or mass cancel all reservations. 

Although typically users will access this screen to handle mass cancellations, there are benefits to accessing this screen to cancel individual reservations.

View the below video example of cancelling reservations from this screen.


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