View All Users Assigned to a Profile

View All Users Assigned to a Profile

View All Users Assigned to a Profile Overview

Our Security system comes fully equipped with all the options that you need in order to appropriately control the way you want both your internal and external users to use your application.  That's awesome!  

However, we also know that because there is so much flexibility that comes along with the Security system and dozens upon dozens of checkpoints, you may sometimes feel "lost at sea."

We hear you and we hope we can help.    

The following is meant to outline some right click options that our security system offers, helping you to navigate through the Security screens more efficiently.

So what's the big deal?

The Security Users screen gives you the opportunity to enter all of your internal users into one location.  Here, you can assign your staff their username, assign the team your users are a member of(accounting team, management, reservations team, etc,) control their ability to access certain Softrip screens and more.

Out of all of the information you are able to enter and edit into the fields on the users screen, one of the most important fields available for you to manage is the user's profile.

A user's profile controls the functions that they can and cannot perform on the screens in your application.  This is vital to your every day operations because there are important processes that you may only want your leadership team to control and vital information that exists within your Softrip application that only a skilled user should be able to manage.  

All of that control lies within the checkpoints that are associated to the users profile.  

Okay, so we said all of that just so that we can lead you up to this below scenario.

As an organization, you have multiple different departments.  One of these departments is the "product" department.  Here, users are responsible for building the details within the products that you want to sell such as the hotels, the rates and the mark-ups.  

You have a new employee who just started a few weeks ago and you notice that all of the products that they were assigned to them are suddenly missing the mark-up values.

That can be a huge problem!

You rack your brain trying to figure out how this could have happened.  "New employees shouldn't even have access to accessing the pricing profile screen," you think.  "They have to be trained by me first before they understand how we apply our mark-up values to our products."   


And that's when you take the next step...

In order for you to understand how the above could have even happened, you're going to first view the user in your Security Users screen.  Here you can pull up the user's ID so that you can see what profile they are assigned to.

But you need more information.

See, unless you know every single checkpoint that is assigned to every single profile that you use within your organization, seeing the users profile is only half of the picture.  What you really need to see are the check points that are assigned to that profile.  Luckily, we have an easy way for you to do that.  Once you are in the user profile, simply right click on the user name and select "view user profile."  Another tab will open in your browser and it will automatically display the profile and all of the checkpoints assigned.  


View our 12 second video that will show you what we mean:


But there's more...

What if the above scenario now has you a little nervous?  It's okay, who wouldn't be?  So, you want to quickly review EVERY USER that is assigned to that profile.  

Yup, you guessed it, we have a way for you to do that too.


When you're in the Security Profile screen, you can access any profile that exists within your application.  Once a profile is accessed, all you have to do is right click on the profile name and select "view all users with this profile."  A new tab will open in your browser so that you can evaluate all users that have that profile assigned to them.  Doing this will take you right back to the users screen, displaying the list of users that have that profile assigned to them so that you can update accordingly.



We hope this helps you navigate through your Softrip Security system a little easier!

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