Supplier Documents
The Supplier Documents menu allows users to upload and store any documents they may want to keep on file against a certain Supplier such as Contracts, Insurance Forms, or Travel Agent Agreements.
Adding a Supplier Document
To add a Supplier Document select the + button at the top of the page
This will open the menu at the bottom of the page to fill out the details of this Supplier Doc and upload the file.
Required Items
Supplier ID
Use the Supplier ID field to search and add the Supplier this document is for
Document Type
User this field to assign the type of document that is being saved
This drop down list can be amended within the Security → System Settings → System Codes menu using the SUPPLIERDOCTYPE Code:
Service Type
This will allow the user to label what Service Type is valid for this Supplier Document
Star/End Dates
This will allow the user to set Start and End dates to outline when this Supplier Document is valid
Other Fields
Request Date
Limit Amount
Policy Number