Location Codes

Location Codes

Location Codes

If you are offering Destinations that sell Hotels and Transfers that are located in different locations, such as parts of an island, or a city, using Location Codes in the Service set up will allow users to link those accommodations and their transfers together to ensure the passenger is booking these services in the same region.

For Example:

A Destination is selling Hotel A, Hotel B, and Hotel C. However, Hotel A and Hotel B are located in Location 1 and Hotel C is in Location 2.

By assigning the same Location Code to Hotel A, Hotel B, and the transfer for Location 1, Softrip will automatically offer that transfer service when either Hotel A or Hotel B is selected. If Hotel C is selected, Softrip will offer the transfer service for Location 2.

This ensures that the correct transfer options are being presented based on the selected accommodation’s location.

Now let’s see how we setup Location Codes in the system to ensure the correct services are booked.


Setting Up Location Codes

The Location Code is a free text field so the Code can be entered however the user wants. The only stipulation is when connecting a Hotel and Transfer the Location Codes must be exactly the same, this is how the system knows to link the Services together during the Shop Process.

  • If a Transfer Service has a Location Code that does not match any of the Hotels in the Shop the Transfers will not return

  • If a Transfer Service does not have a Location Code it will return, but it will be able to be booked with any Hotel that is selected


In the demo below this Passenger is using the Vacation Builder to shop for Hotels and Transfers in Cancun, Mexico.

You can learn more about setting up FIT Cities and the FIT List Product set up here:

FIT Cities

How to Create a "List" Product



Product Code: MX-CUN-HTL has 2 sets of Hotel Services, the Beach Hotel Supplier and the Sandy Beach Hotel Supplier:



The Beach Hotel Services are set up with a Location Code of ZONE1:

The Sandy Beach Hotel Services are set up with a Location Code of Zone2:


In the below Transfer Product, MX-CUN-TRANSFERS there are 2 sets of Transfer services. For example’s sake “Zone1” and “Zone2” have been added into the Service Description to demonstrate how the system will display these options based on which Hotel is selected by the Passenger


When the Passenger attempts to shop for these Hotel and Transfers services the Transfers will filter out and change depending on which Hotel service is selected in the results. In the below image the Beach Hotel (Zone1) service is selected and the Transfer menu will now only show the Transfer Services that also have the same Zone1 Location Code:



If the Passenger selects the Sandy Beach Hotel service the system will change those Transfers to only display the Transfer Services that are built with the Zone2 Location Code


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